

International Proteomics Congress // 6th National Proteomics Congress Click here to download the Abstract Book.

Online Abstract Submission Deadline is September 30, 2024, 23:59.

Abstract Details:
Poster dimensions will be announced shortly.
It is mandatory for poster presenters to be with their posters at the presentation times specified in the Scientific Program on October 11-12.

Oral presentations should be prepared as 8 minutes presentation + 2 minutes question/answer. 
Abstracts can be submitted in 11 different categories. One person can present 1 abstract in total.

1- Cell Biology and Functional Proteomics
2- Structural Proteomics
3- Multi-Omics Approaches
4- Post Translational Modification Analysis
5- Bioinformatics
6- Plant/ Animal/ Nutrition
7- Diseases and Clinical Applications
8- Proteogenomics
9- Proteomics in Model Organisms
10- Multiple Analysis of DNA Damage Repair Proteins 
11- New Approaches in Proteomics (Other)

The abstracts to be presented at the congress should be capable of contributing to scientific development and should give a concluding message.
Since abstracts submitted via the internet will be printed in the same way, attention should be paid to spelling errors. Authors are responsible for all spelling errors.

Abstract Types
- Linguistic Abstract
- Poster Abstract

Abstract Writing Rules

Abstracts will be collected through the online abstract submission system.
1 - The abstract submission language is English.
2- Academic titles should not be used in author names.
3 - Author names should be written in lower case with only the first letter capitalized.
Ex: Mehmet Küçük
4 - All names and cities of the institutions where the authors work must be indicated.
Ex: Xxxx University Faculty of Medicine, Xxxx Department, Xxxx Division, Xxxx Department, Istanbul
5 - The title should describe the content of the study
6 - The title of the abstract should be maximum 10 words.
7 - The abstract should be written using the titles of purpose, method, findings and conclusion.
8 - The aim section should include the importance of the subject and the purpose of the research.
9 - In the method section; research model, population sample, data collection method and tools, statistical analysis should be mentioned.
10 - The findings section should include the main findings of the research.
11 - In the conclusion section, the main result, which is the answer to the research question, should be mentioned.
12 - The abstract should be at least 150 and at most 300 words, excluding the title, author's name, surname and table/image, if any.
13- Tables and pictures can be used in the abstracts.
14- Abstracts accepted as oral will be presented in the halls reserved for Oral Abstracts in the congress within the presentation times to be determined by the Scientific Committee. Presentation details will be communicated to the Oral Presenters.

Abstracts that do not comply with any of these items will be excluded from the evaluation, regardless of their content.

Evaluation of Abstracts
The evaluation will be carried out by the Proceedings Evaluation Committee by keeping the names / surnames and institutions of the researchers confidential over the internet. In order for the abstracts to be evaluated, at least one of the researchers must have completed the congress registration process.
IMPORTANT : Daily registration will not be considered valid!

Guidelines for Abstract Evaluation

Abstract submitted to the Congress will be evaluated by the Scientific Evaluation Committee. The 3 members of the Congress Organizing Committee responsible for scientific evaluation will pre-evaluate the abstracts before they enter the referee evaluation process by the Scientific Evaluation Committee. In the preliminary evaluation, abstracts that are not written in accordance with the Rules of Abstract Writing will not be included in the referee evaluation process and will be sent back to the author / authors for reorganization. Abstracts that pass the preliminary evaluation process will be sent to two referees in the Scientific Evaluation Board for evaluation. As a result of the referee evaluation, the referee evaluation reports of the rejected or revised abstract will be sent to the author/authors upon request.

Certificate of Participation
It will be sent to the e-mail addresses registered in the system after the congress. In order to receive a certificate, the presenter must present the abstract in person on the date and time specified in the program.

Congress Abstract Book
The submitted and accepted abstracts will be published electronically as the Congress Abstract Book.